7 Ways to Run a New Personal Best
7 ways to run a new Personal Best
Lots of people talk about training hard and getting faster,
but there’s other ways you can get faster too.
Most people train for only a few hours per week (some
people a few hours per day)
But what about the other hours in the day/week? They’re just
as important to your progress as the training itself.
Think of it like this…. For every positive change you
make to your lifestyle, you COULD be knocking an
extra 1-3 seconds quicker on your next run.
7 x 1 changes to your lifestyle = 7 x 3 seconds quicker
= 21 seconds
Take these 7 steps over the next 4 weeks and test yourself
In your next race.
1. Nutrition – Eating a healthier meal each day – e.g. breakfast.
Try not to change too many things at once with your
nutrition. There’s no rush
to lose weight fast, and it’s easier to maintain
if you make 1 change at a time. Start with your
breakfast. My favourite is natural yoghurt,
berries, a handful of nuts & granola.
2. Sleep – Getting an extra hours sleep
Turn off your ipad, iphone, laptop or tv an
hour earlier and settle down for an earlier
night. It’s been suggested that the hours
you sleep before midnight are more beneficial
than the hours after midnight.
3. Water Intake – A good guideline is 1 litre for
every 20kg you weigh. Be careful not to drink
too little or too much. Try to find a good amount
for you. You should start to feel better, more alert,
and more energetic when getting the correct amount of fluid.
4. Strength – Improving your core, upper body and
leg strength
Use the following fitness session as a starting point….
5. Positive Mindset
Go into your run believing you can run well.
If you go into it thinking you will run badly,
chances are you won’t be happy with your run.
Be positive whatever the outcome. If you don’t
hit your time, think of it as a good training session.
If you run a good time/position, look for the next
run and aim to improve again.
6. Get up earlier
Most races/running events start in the morning.
The majority of people can feel a little tired going
into their run. So try getting up a little earlier to
feel fresher on the start line.
7. Warm up properly
Aim to warm up the joints, particularly ankles,
knees and hips for running
Try some stretches involving movement,
e.g. lunges, squats.
Try some 50metre runs at your target running pace
Thanks for reading.
Check out www.runeatsleep.co.uk for more
running tips & coaching sessions
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