3 Running Tips for Beginners
I’ve been getting asked about how to
get started if you’re a beginner runner,
or how to get back in shape if you’ve
not been running for a while. So I decided
to write a short article on how to get
going again. I hope you enjoy it.
I’ve also got something you may be interested
in coming along to – but you’ll have to read on
for that…..
3 Tips to get started Running
1. Set yourself times to run
Being in the right mindset is so
important when you begin running.
It’s important that you know the reason
why you want to run and it’s really
important to be organised.
Set yourself time slots for when you are going to
run and stick to them.
Meeting up with friends or a group will help you stay on track.
2. Drink enough water
Most people don’t drink enough water
throughout the day. Try to drink a
glass of water on waking up and
get into the habit of having a
bottle or glass of water with you
for most of the day. This will
help with your energy levels,
reducing any muscle tightness
& preparing your body and
mind for exercise.
3. Interval Training
Running is tough. It doesn’t
matter whether you’re a beginner
or an elite runner. Lots of beginners
get frustrated with needing to
stop to catch their breathe.
Despite feeling disappointed,
it’s actually a good thing and
is an important training
method called “interval training”.
Run for a short period of time,
take a rest and repeat this
sequence for a number of attempts.
An example would be running
from 1 lamppost to the next,
then walking to the next one
before running again.
All of the top runners use this
method of training to get fitter –
and you should use it too.
By doing this type of training,
your body will become better at
managing your breathing and
you’ll soon be able to run for
longer periods without stopping.
If you’d like to make a fresh start with your
running. I’m holding a welcome meeting
on Tuesday 6th May for a new beginners
running camp. You’ll need to email
or call me to book onto the meeting.
For more details, visit www.runeatsleep.co.uk/beginners
Thanks for reading,
About Luke
Luke is a Running Coach and Sports Masseur.
He is the North East Running Leader of the Year and coaches runners of all abilities with Run Eat Sleep.
He is also the creator of The Monthly Mile and hosts the Run Eat Sleep Podcast.
Luke runs for Gateshead Harriers and has Personal Bests of 15.39 for 5k, 32.11 for 10km and 70.57 for Half Marathon.
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