What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?
Don’t you wish you could speak to
yourself when you were younger
and tell your younger self everything
that you know now?
I know I do!
Here’s what the conversation would go like….
Me Now – “Hey Luke. What training are you
doing today? I’m heading out for a speedwork session.
It’s similar to last week’s session but a little harder
so I know that I’m progressing.”
Younger Me – “Hey Luke. I’m just going to do what
I usually do and go out for a gentle run, if I can be bothered.
There’s a random fitness session down the road so I
might jump in on that and beast myself.
Are you still training with your coach?”
Me Now – “Yea – he’s been great for me.
I just looked for the best coach I could –
based on his previous results with others
of my ability and experience. I get a new
training plan to keep me on track and
we’ve agreed set events to train towards.
It helps keep me motivated. When I started
I was the least fit in the group, but I’ve really
seen the benefit and now I’m loving it. What about you?”
Younger Me – “No I’m just doing my own thing.
I haven’t seen a lot of progress but I’m just going
to get fit on my own before I start training with others.”
Me Now – “Oh right. You should try joining a group.
We’re entering events together and everyone is
really supportive. You’ll never be made to feel unfit,
and as long as you’re willing to try you’ll be welcomed
by everyone.”
Younger Me – “Maybe I’ll think about it. I’m still a little unsure”
Me Now – “All you need to do it take the first step.
Throw yourself in at the deep end and you won’t regret it!
Everyone feels a bit unsure at first – but they always
love the community we have.”
Younger Me – “But I’ll be last.”
Me Now – “You won’t be. Our coach sets the sessions
so that everyone is never felt to be holding anyone up
and everyone goes to their own level. They can slow
down whenever they like”
Younger Me – “Ok, when can I start?”
Me Now – “Just come along to the first session.”
If I was lucky enough to have this conversation
when I first started out with running, I’m sure
I would have been a much more complete
runner and would have achieved things quicker.
As it happens, I tried it all on my own in the beginning
and getting to where I wanted to be took much
longer than it should have. I made LOTS of
mistakes which could have been avoided and I
learned lots of lessons through trial and error,
which took so much time.
How can you accelerate your running progress?
I’d like to invite you to my next running camp course
which starts next Monday and I’ll help you to avoid
those mistakes and teach you the lessons I’ve
learned in the past 11 years. We have a strong
community consisting of beginners, improvers and
intermediate level runners. We all love to get out
and run as a group and improve our running.
You can register for the next camp at www.runeatsleep.co.uk/runningcamp
Thanks for reading,
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