Observe and Improve your Running Technique

On Tuesday night The Monthly Mile held
it’s 7th event.

I noticed something when watching the
different groups (there’s a beginners
group, intermediate group and advanced
group that set off at different times)

It was clear to me that the fastest runners
seemed to have the best running technique.

You could tell they’d practiced it.

They’d spent time and effort on it.

It seemed almost effortless.

A lot of people start out running
And aren’t sure WHAT good technique is.

They’re not sure WHEN to practice it or
Even HOW to practice it.

So I’ve decided to create a new running
technique self help guide to help people
learn about good running technique and
how they can improve it.

It’s complete with my top coaching tips &
technique training plans.

You can pre-order it for just £5 and get it
sent to you on Monday at

If you don’t quite fancy this guide,
here’s another popular post I wrote
about running technique. Try it….

Have a great week,

Luke Adams

About Luke

Luke is a Running Coach and Sports Masseur.

He is the North East Running Leader of the Year and coaches runners of all abilities with Run Eat Sleep.

He is also the creator of The Monthly Mile and hosts the Run Eat Sleep Podcast.

Luke runs for Gateshead Harriers and has Personal Bests of 15.39 for 5k, 32.11 for 10km and 70.57 for Half Marathon.

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