Improve your running times and habits



Hope you had a great weekend of 


I’ve been feeling really motivated lately,
and this is mainly down to the progress
I’ve been seeing in my running times and


Around 8 weeks ago I started making small
changes to my routine to help me get kickstarted
with my training. Here’s a few changes I made 
and hopefully you could try them too….


1. I used old training plans that had worked
for me in the past. If it worked once it will 
work again. I’m a big believer in 2 key sessions
per week (1 x Interval session and 1 x Tempo run)


2. I printed the plan off and started ticking
off the runs/sessions as I completed them.
There’s something very motivating about doing this!


3. I started running at 6am at least 3 times
per week from Monday-friday. This was
due to time. I find it hard to fit runs in
during the day so i MADE time by getting
up earlier. I’m now running around 20 miles
per week from those runs alone. Great for conditioning!


4. I started running the parkrun. It’s a great way to
get out and run. Some of my times
were faster than others, some were slower.
I wasn’t worried about setting a new
PB every week but just stuck to my training plan
and made the most from the
parkrun having people there to run with
and also being timed.


5. Running with lots of different people.
It’s good to chat to people whilst running
and socialise before, during and after.
Sometimes running can get a little boring
but surrounding yourself with people
with good crack makes it more fun.


I hope these tips were helpful to you – let me know if they did.  


Have a great week of Running and
thanks for reading.




About Luke

Luke is a Running Coach and Sports Masseur at

He is the North East Running Leader of the Year and coaches runners of all abilities with Run Eat Sleep.

He is also the Director of The Monthly Mile and hosts the Run Eat Sleep Podcast.

Luke has ran Personal Bests of 15.39 for 5k, 32.11 for 10km and 70.57 for Half Marathon.

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