South Shields 10 Entry List
Number Collection inside the Sanddancer 7.15am-8.30am
Race start 9am on the Promenade (outside the Sanddancer)
Baggage available inside the Sanddancer.
Route Map and Description
Starting along the promenade, follow the South Shields parkrun route along The Leas coastal paths for the first 2 miles to Marsden Bank roundabout.
The first of 2 laps starts from Marsden Bank roundabout. Runners will pass Marsden Grotto & Souter Lighthouse, before passing through the car park behind Shearwater housing estate. Runners will then follow the road back to exit Souter lighthouse onto the Coast Road, heading back to Marsden Bank roundabout. (Please Note – Roads will not be closed so please keep to the left hand side)
After completing your 2nd lap back to Marsden Bank roundabout, continue along the coast road all the way back to Gypsies Green Stadium and finish with an clockwise lap of the track.
Car parking available along seafront car parks
Toilets and changing available at The Sanddancer & Ampitheatre
There will be a water station out on the course
Enquiries email
1 | Brian | Alder |
2 | Simon | Alison |
3 | Andy | Allen |
4 | Gillian | Allen |
497 | Karl | Allison |
5 | Sasha | Ames |
6 | James | Anderson |
7 | James | Andrews |
499 | Paul | Andrews |
8 | Kathryn | Angus |
9 | Scott | Arries |
10 | Catherine | Arries |
11 | Paula | Atkinson |
12 | Christina | Auld |
13 | Rob | Ayre |
14 | Jo | Ayre |
15 | Wayne | Ayre |
16 | Chris | Ayre |
17 | Donna | Ayre |
18 | Gemma | Bain |
19 | Gill | Bainbridge |
20 | Nikki | Baldwin |
494 | Chris | Baldwin |
486 | Jon | Balmer |
21 | Kathleen | Bancroft |
22 | Michelle | Bannan |
23 | Stuart | Barker |
24 | Stephen | Barker |
26 | Kerry | Barnett |
473 | Imogen | Barr |
27 | Daniel | Baxter |
28 | Peter | Bayes |
29 | Liz | Bayles |
30 | Michelle | Bays |
493 | Kelly | Beard |
32 | Laura | Beattie |
33 | Kathleen | Bellamy |
201 | Ruth | Bentley |
34 | Jacquie | Bingham |
483 | Charly | Blackburn |
36 | paul | blackett |
37 | Dominic | Bland |
480 | Clare | Bodak |
38 | Jay | Bowley |
496 | Matthew | Bowman |
39 | Abbie | Boxshall |
40 | Claire | Bradley |
41 | Jane | Bradshaw |
42 | marie-therese | brady |
43 | Nicola | Brady |
44 | Rachel | breheny |
45 | Paul Joseph | Brennan |
47 | Jules | Briggs |
48 | David | Browbank |
49 | Tracy | Brown |
50 | Mick | Brown |
51 | Adam | Brown |
52 | Victoria | Brown |
53 | Richard | Brown |
54 | Christopher | Bryson |
56 | Kate | Bull |
57 | Alison | Bulman |
58 | Pamela | Bunter |
59 | Susan | Burgess |
25 | Julie | Butler |
60 | Rachel | Butler |
61 | Gary | Byers |
470 | Amanda | Byworth |
471 | Ian | Byworth |
62 | melissa | cain |
63 | Isabel | Calder-Neil |
64 | Scott | Calder-Neil |
65 | Rachel | Camsell |
66 | Lynsey | Camsell |
67 | Jacqui | Candlish |
68 | Dave | Candlish |
70 | Sarah | Carr |
71 | Julie Anne | Carr |
72 | Sue | Cartwright |
73 | Walt | Cartwright |
74 | Glen | Cattanach |
75 | Simon | Cavey |
123 | Sarah | Chadwick |
76 | Angela | charlton |
77 | Cheryl | Charlton |
446 | Ria | Chaston |
78 | Trevor | Chaytor |
79 | Jill | Clark |
80 | Robert | Clark |
81 | Michael | Clark |
82 | Carla | Clarke |
83 | Susan | Clughen |
84 | Angela | Coates |
85 | James | Cole |
86 | Nicola | Connor |
87 | Bec | Conroy |
89 | Tony | Cota |
90 | vikki | cotton |
91 | joanne | cox-dalton |
487 | Suzanne | Coxon |
488 | Rebecca | Coxon |
92 | David | Cracknell |
161 | Andrew | Crawford |
88 | Jason | Crosby |
93 | louise | crowther |
94 | Leonie | Crowther |
95 | Karen | Crozier |
96 | Graham | Darby |
97 | Lisa | Darby |
98 | Jacqueline | Davidson |
99 | Iain | Davidson |
321 | Will | Davidson |
100 | Joanne | Davies |
102 | Colin | Dawson |
103 | Ashleigh | Day |
500 | Aaron | Day |
104 | Debbie | Defty |
105 | Chris | Dempsey |
244 | Marie | Dickinson |
106 | angela | ditchburn |
107 | Danny | Dixon |
108 | sue | dobson |
109 | Corrinne | Dockwray |
110 | James | Donkin |
111 | Claire | Douglas |
112 | neil | douthwaite |
113 | Donna | Duff |
114 | Julie | Dugdale |
115 | Gary | Dunmore |
116 | Chris | Dunn |
117 | michael | dyball |
118 | Phillip | Earley |
119 | Daniel | Edmundson |
120 | Lisa | Elstob |
121 | Rosie | England |
122 | Kirstin | Farquhar |
479 | Anna | Fawcett |
124 | Samantha | fazakerley |
125 | Jennifer | Fearon |
126 | Adam | Finch |
127 | Katie-Louise | Finney |
128 | Ray | flanagan |
129 | Emma | Fleming |
130 | Moira | Fletcher |
131 | Andrew | Fletcher |
132 | Danny | Fletcher |
133 | Dawn | Flint |
134 | Dean | Forbes |
135 | Danny | Ford |
136 | Jimmy | Ford |
137 | Steve | Foreman |
138 | Paul | Foreman Baggaley |
139 | Alex | Forster |
140 | Stuart | Fowler |
141 | Steven | Franklin |
142 | Graham | Fraser |
143 | Philip | Freestone |
144 | Daniel | French |
145 | Daniel | Fullard |
146 | Sean | Garbutt |
147 | John | Gardiner |
148 | Deborah | Garland |
149 | Jamie | Giles |
150 | Emma | Giles |
151 | Laura | Gledhill |
152 | Anna | Golightly |
153 | Helen | Goudie |
154 | Martin | Gourley |
155 | Mark | Graham |
156 | Robert | Gratton |
157 | David | Gray |
492 | David | Gray |
158 | Daniel | Gregg |
159 | Callum | Greig |
160 | Claire | Grieves |
46 | Peter | Grimboldy |
162 | Claire | Hall |
163 | Jen | Hall |
164 | Tracey | Hall |
165 | nicola | hall |
166 | Rachel | Hambling |
167 | Katie | Hamilton |
168 | Paul | Hannah |
169 | Victoria | Harrison |
170 | Richard | Harrison |
171 | Mike | Harvey |
172 | Sophie | Haugk |
173 | Steffen | Haugk |
174 | Rachel | Hawdon |
175 | Jackie | Heads |
176 | Richard | Hearmon |
177 | Christine | Hearmon |
178 | Nicola | Hearn |
179 | Donna | Heron |
180 | Christopher | Hetherington |
181 | Jeanette | Hewitson |
182 | Stacy | Hodgkinson |
183 | Lee | Hogan |
184 | Becky | Holmes |
185 | Anthony | Holmes |
482 | Matthew | Hornsby |
186 | Richard | Houghton |
187 | Jonathan | Housego |
188 | TINA | HOWE |
189 | matthew | howell |
190 | Kyle | Hughes |
191 | Sarah | Hunter |
192 | Graham | Hunter |
193 | George | Hurst |
194 | Paul | Hutchinson |
195 | Laura | Hyde |
196 | Carole | Hynes |
197 | Stephanie | Isaac |
198 | Richard | Ives |
199 | Hannah | Jack |
200 | Chris | Jackson |
202 | Graham | Jago |
203 | Rob | Jayne |
204 | Ian | Jeff |
205 | Mike | Jefferies |
206 | Karen | Jeffers |
484 | Bryan | Jeffers |
207 | Nina | Jensen |
208 | julieanne | Jobling |
490 | Marsha | Jobling |
209 | Alan | Johnson |
210 | Helen | Johnson |
211 | Jackie | Johnson |
212 | Robert | Johnson |
213 | Lesley | Johnson |
495 | Rich | Johnson |
214 | Craig | Johnston |
215 | Philip | Johnston |
216 | Edryd | Jones |
491 | Nick | Joyce |
217 | Paul | Jukes |
218 | Stephanie | Kaier |
219 | Nick | Kane |
220 | Neil | Kavanagh |
221 | Robin | Kehoe |
474 | David | Kelly |
222 | Tim | Kelso |
223 | Gillian | Kennedy |
475 | Siobhan | Kennedy |
224 | Aileen | Kennel |
225 | Simon | Kirkley |
227 | carol | Laidler |
228 | David | laidler |
229 | Kim | Lancaster |
230 | Kieren | Laverick |
231 | Alan | Lawrenson |
232 | Leah | Lawton |
233 | Gavin | Lee |
481 | Peter | Letherland |
234 | Helen | Letts |
235 | Paul | Lewins |
236 | Damon | Liscombe |
237 | Claire | Lloyd |
238 | David | Lockney |
239 | KRIS | LOCKNEY |
240 | Michelle | Loftus |
241 | David | Lopez |
242 | Andrew | Lowes |
243 | James | Lowrie |
245 | stephen | mackin |
246 | Stuart | Maclean |
247 | Michelle | Marlee |
248 | Simon | May |
249 | David | McAlister |
250 | Chris | McArdle |
251 | Kris | McBride |
252 | John | McCarthy |
253 | Harvey | McConnell |
254 | angela | mccullough |
255 | Martin | McDonald |
256 | lindsey | mcdonald |
257 | Gary | McDonald |
258 | Michael | Mcdonald |
259 | jeff | mcgurty |
260 | Ellen | McIntosh |
261 | allan | mcmanus |
262 | Ashleigh | McMorrow |
263 | Michael | Mcnally |
264 | Susan | McNally |
265 | Elizabeth | Medd |
266 | Donna | Melia |
267 | Lorren | Mitchell |
268 | Josh | Mitchell |
269 | Dan | Mitchell |
270 | Joanne | Mitchinson |
271 | Shellann | Moody |
272 | Christina | Moore |
273 | Lesley | Moore |
274 | Rachael | Moore |
275 | Ian | Morgan |
447 | Sparrow | Morley |
276 | Sarah | Morton |
277 | Tim | Mulford |
278 | Dawn | Mulholland |
279 | Andy | Munro |
280 | Andrew | munro |
281 | Jackie | Murdy |
282 | Hannah | Murray |
283 | Suzanne | Naylor |
284 | Michael | Nemeth |
285 | Samantha | Newington |
287 | Natasha | Newson |
288 | Gillian | Nichol |
289 | iain | Nicholson |
290 | stacie | o’brien |
291 | Sean | O’Brien |
292 | Claire | O’Callaghan |
293 | Kate | Oldfield |
294 | Paul | O’Mara |
295 | Mick | O’Reilly |
296 | Joanne | Ormston |
286 | Penny | O’Shea |
297 | Steven | Outterside |
298 | Leigh | Owbridge |
101 | Rhiannon | Owens |
299 | Jonathan | Page |
300 | Julie | Page |
301 | Jonathan | Palmer |
302 | Emily | Park |
303 | Kirsty | Parker |
304 | mark | Parker |
305 | Mike | Parker |
478 | Cheryl | Parkin |
306 | Ean | Parsons |
307 | Paul | Pascoe |
308 | Kika | Patterson |
309 | dennis | patterson |
310 | Chris | Paul |
311 | Michelle | Payne |
312 | Andrew | Peacock |
313 | Janine | Pearce |
314 | Richard | Pearson |
315 | Jodie | Peary |
31 | Simon | Penhall |
316 | Deborah | Pennick |
317 | Natalie | Pennington |
318 | Kate | Pierce |
319 | Michael | Pittuck |
320 | Matthew | Platten |
322 | Jacques | POLTRONIERI |
323 | Emilia Rose | Porter |
324 | Tonia | Porter |
325 | Judith | Porter |
326 | Rob | Poynter |
327 | james | prescott |
328 | Helen | Prudham |
329 | Ross | Punton |
330 | Richard | Purdy |
331 | Emma | Purvis |
332 | melanie | race |
333 | David | Randle |
35 | Harriet | Ransome |
334 | Lesley | Ransome |
335 | angela | Rathbone |
336 | christopher | rawle |
476 | Phil | Ray |
337 | Paul | Readman |
338 | Cheryl | Reah |
339 | Paul | Reay |
340 | Nicola | Reburn |
341 | Paula | Reid |
342 | Keith | Richardson |
343 | Darren | Ridley |
477 | stephen | Ridley |
344 | craig | robe |
345 | Will | Roberts |
472 | Dave | Roberts |
346 | Mark | Robinson |
347 | David | Robinson |
348 | David | Robson |
349 | Brian | Robson |
489 | Alister | Robson |
350 | Phil | Rogers |
351 | Keith | Roll |
352 | David | Round |
353 | Alan | Rowan |
354 | Claire | Rowbottom |
355 | Graham | Rowe |
356 | Mark | Rutter |
357 | Sarah | Sampson |
358 | Linda | Sandell |
359 | Dann | Sanders |
360 | Julie | Schneider |
361 | stephen | scorer |
362 | Philip | Scott |
363 | Anna | Semens |
364 | Peter | Setterfield |
365 | Nicola | Shaverin |
366 | David | Sherwin |
367 | Micky | Shore |
368 | Helen | Shotton |
369 | Judith | Shotton |
370 | Amandeep | Singh |
371 | Michael | Sinton |
372 | Alison | Slowther |
373 | Deborah | Smith |
374 | Samantha | smith |
375 | Chloe | Smith |
376 | Antonia | Smith |
377 | Andy | Southwick |
379 | Sharon | Stafford |
380 | Reni | Stephenson |
381 | Wayne | Stevens |
382 | Paul | Stevenson |
383 | Janice | Stewart |
384 | Alan | Stewart |
385 | Sara | Stewart |
386 | Christine | Stobbs |
387 | Nick | Stock |
388 | Clare | Stoker |
389 | Duncan | Storey |
390 | Madeline | Storey |
391 | Amar | Sudan |
392 | Tracey | Suddick |
393 | Chris | Sumsion |
394 | Peter | Sung |
395 | Cary | Surtees |
396 | Graeme | Surtees |
397 | Abigail | Suter |
398 | alison | tear |
399 | Gemma | Thomas |
400 | Helen | Thompson |
401 | Julie | Thompson |
402 | Gary | Thwaites |
403 | spencer | tindal |
404 | Helen | Todd |
405 | Rose | Todhunter |
406 | Andrea | Toop |
498 | David | Triplow |
407 | Anthony richard | Trowles |
408 | Sarah | Turnbull |
409 | Thomas | Turnbull |
410 | kerri | Turner |
411 | Ashley | Turner |
412 | Carole | Turner |
413 | Claire | Turner |
414 | Derek | Vardy |
415 | Steven | Vass |
416 | Mena | Waim |
417 | David | Wakefield |
418 | Margaret | Walke |
419 | Peter | Walke |
420 | Colleen | Walker |
421 | christina | walker |
422 | Marie | Walker |
423 | David | Walker |
424 | Gillian | Wallace |
425 | Gary | Wallace |
426 | Paul | Waller |
427 | Elaine | Walls |
428 | natalie | walters |
429 | Corinne | Walton |
430 | Paul | Wann |
226 | Jamie | Ward |
431 | Penny | Ward |
432 | Debbie | Wardle |
433 | John | Watson |
434 | Kim | Watson |
435 | Chris | Watson |
436 | ian | webster |
437 | Bob | Weightman |
485 | Paul | Weir |
438 | Jak | Wells |
439 | Kirsty | West |
440 | Aly | West |
441 | Miles | Weston |
442 | graeme | wharton |
443 | lisa | Wharton |
444 | philip | white |
445 | Holly | Whitehead |
448 | Nina | Wilkinson |
449 | Karen | Wilkinson |
450 | Lee | Wilkinson-Brown |
451 | Hayley | Williams |
452 | Helen | Williams |
453 | Karen | Williamson |
454 | Yvonne | Wilson |
455 | Andrea | Wilson |
456 | Iain | Wilson |
457 | Kevin | Wilson |
458 | Laura Anne | Wilson |
459 | Gordon | Wilson |
460 | Bill | Wilson |
461 | alex | windross |
462 | IAN | WINDSOR |
463 | Dariusz | Wisniewski |
464 | Mark | Wood |
465 | Andrew | Wood |
466 | linda | wright |
467 | Sian | Wright-Williams |
468 | Claire | Wynarczyk |
469 | Julie | Wynn |