Ladies Only 3km Fun Run – Mondays 6pm
We’re starting a new Ladies Only 3km Fun Run in South Shields on a Monday night from 6pm. The runs will be held every week and you are able to start at any time.
We have lots of mixed abilities, including those may need to walk some of the route. It’s ok to be a bit nervous coming along for the first time, and everyone will be given a warm & friendly welcome for making that first step. The aim of the run is to encourage each other and support everyone taking part, and to help form a nice friendly run with no pressure each week.
Location – All runs are based at South Shields seafront with a different route each month
Time – 6pm start (please try to arrive from 5.45pm)O
Membership fee – For non members – there will be a £3 cost to take part per adult, with children being an additional £1. Members of our RES run club will be able to take part for free, and we are keen to encourage more people to join our run club if and when they feel ready to.
All abilities, including non runners, are welcome to take part
Scenic & safe run route
Run & walk the route
Children can take part
Track your own fitness progress & improvements
Friendly & supportive
A great chance to meet & run with others
Opportunities to take part in other local runs & groups once ready
Run Information
There will be a few helpers on a Monday night that will be happy to chat, advise & support you on the run – and we’ll also have a tail walker/runner joining in so nobody will be left behind.
If you’re a little bit unsure about starting, please send us a message and we’ll do our best to encourage & persuade you to make that first step.
We have a number of routes to try out on the Ladies Only 3km Fun Run & hope to keep it fresh by mixing up the routes every now and again. The locations will be announced well in advance so there’s no confusion.
The run will start promptly at 6pm so if you could arrive between 5.45-6pm. The run will be on in all weathers, and we’re sure you will get all weathers if you come each week
All you’ll need to bring is suitable clothing for a run, a watch or smartphone if you would like to time/record your run (we’ll time it too) & a drink if you’d like one for afterwards. Drinks, clothing & belongings can be left at the start area, though we would recommend keeping valuables with you.
**Ladies Only 3km Fun Run Registration**
If you would like to take part in upcoming runs – please email with the following details to book a place. You only need to register once.
Full Name
Date of birth
Any medical info
Emergency Contact & Telephone Number
If you would like to register a friend, family member or any children, please include their full details in the email too.
Once you’ve sent the email you will be automatically booked onto the run & simply turn up on the night.
The £3 (& £1 for children) payments can be made on the night or you can pay online or for the upcoming month runs in advance via online banking to the RES Run Club account below.
Lloyds Bank – Run Eat Sleep – Sort 30-98-97 – Account 13044562
Please give your first initial + surname + 3k as a reference E.g. LAdams3k
If you are interested in joining RES Run Club – the Ladies 3km runs are included as part of your membership and you will have access to our runs on other evenings & weekends + 10% membership discounts for Start Fitness,, Sanddancer Clothing & more.
For more information & applying to join – CLICK HERE