Landmark Challenge 2024
Good luck to all teams taking part in this year’s Landmark Challenge & we hope you enjoy our event. We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone for supporting Run Eat Sleep THIS YEAR.
Teams must register from 8.20am-8.50am and confirm their attendance & team members.
The run will take place on Sunday 29th December
Start – 9am outside the Sanddancer Pub NE33 2LD. The finish will be located in the same place. Car parking & public toilets available nearby at the amphitheatre. The Sanddancer will be open for breakfasts from 9am-12pm.
Please view all 20 landmarks below in alphabetical order. landmark 20 is a mystery landmark which will be revealed at the start line and is not on the map.
Teams can run to the landmarks in any order they wish and must take a team photo as close to the landmarks as safely & respectfully as possible. There is no official route and you must find the landmarks as a team.
Cut off – We request that all teams aim to be back to the finish by 11.45am. If you expect your team to miss the cut off, please confirm via txt or phone call to the organiser on the contact number below with your expected time. You will be able to complete your landmarks.
After completing the run, please share your photos in our facebook event HERE
The Landmark Challenge is a fun social Christmas event and we don’t anticipate any cheating or bending of the rules – please play fair and enjoy the challenge against others.
Safety Kit – Fully charged mobile phone, water, food/snacks, emergency money, appropriate running clothing for the weather conditions. The run will be on in all weathers and is multi terrain. All teams must have the organising team’s contact number below.
Organiser Contact Number – Luke – 07584433294